At EXTRAORDINARY, we believe that health is one of our most important assets. We recognize that when we take care of our physical, mental, and emotional health, we are better equipped to face life's challenges, achieve our goals, and make a positive impact in the world.

We believe that opportunity should be flexible. We recognize that our team members have diverse needs, goals, and responsibilities, and we want to support them in achieving their personal and professional aspirations in a way that works for them.

We believe in the power of community. We recognize that we are stronger when we work together, support each other, and give back to the communities we serve.

You are born to create your Extraordinary Life...

Our team members are passionate, skilled, and dedicated individuals who are committed to delivering exceptional results and creating a better world for all.

We believe that our team is our greatest asset, and we strive to create an environment where they can thrive, grow, and achieve their full potential.

We provide our team members with the resources, support, and opportunities they need to succeed, including training, mentorship, and professional development programs.

You are born to create your Extraordinary Life...

Our team members are passionate, skilled, and dedicated individuals who are committed to delivering exceptional results and creating a better world for all.

We believe that our team is our greatest asset, and we strive to create an environment where they can thrive, grow, and achieve their full potential.

We provide our team members with the resources, support, and opportunities they need to succeed, including training, mentorship, and professional development programs.

Hear what others are saying...

Henry & Indri

Mengutip sebuah perkataan bijak, “first step is the hardest”, saya selalu teringat bagaimana awal pertemuan kami berdua dengan Usana

Perkenalkan, saya Indri, dan suami saya Henry. Kami berdua sudah menjadi konsumen tetap produk - produk Usana kurang lebih selama 8 tahun terakhir.


Dibesarkan di keluarga sederhana, membuat saya tumbuh menjadi seorang yang berpikir bahwa hidup ini harus realistis, sesuai keadaan saja, jangan bermimpi yang muluk-muluk.

Pekerjaan mama hanya membuat kue lalu dititipkan ke warung dan toko, sehingga jangankan untuk makan mewah, bisa makan cukup setiap hari dan memenuhi kebutuhan sekolah, saya sudah sangat bersyukur...


Dengan senang hati, saya ingin membagikan bagaimana kehidupan saya berubah secara signifikan.

Sebelumnya, kehidupan saya terasa monoton dan membosankan. Saya merasa seperti terpenjara, terbatas dalam hal pemikiran dan tindakan. Saya terjebak dalam rutinitas yang sama setiap hari, dimana saya bekerja lebih dari sepuluh tahun di pekerjaan yang sama...

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©The Extraordinary 2023